SAM’s MembersHIP Nite Event was held on Friday, 15 July 2022, at LPS Restaurant & Bar. SAM Members and Friends enjoyed a night with canapés, our special SAM Cocktail & drinks and unlocked the night with ‘HIP’ Music, mixology, games and prizes.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we have not had the chance to meet up frequently, so it was indeed a great evening for us to gather, relax and mingle with business leaders, professionals, and entrepreneurs on SAM’s Members HIP Nite.
We will like to thank Her Excellency, Ms Vanessa Chan, Singapore Ambassador to Myanmar, for gracing our event and all participants for their attendance.
We will also like to thank the participants who have signed up for SAM memberships and the sponsors for this event (Canon, Chang Beer, City Holdings, Corriander Leaf Group, Elan Group of Companies, Marco’s Cellar Myanmar, Myanmar Distribution Group (MDG), My Kitchen Restaurant, Omnivore Restaurant, RVi Express, Savory Kitchen and Zurich Marketing).