On 8 October 2022, Singapore Association of Myanmar (SAM) distributed essential and staple food items to 3 beneficiary organisations.
The 3 beneficiary organisations are:
1) Myanmar Women Development Association – Established in 1947, their core objectives are to provide home and care for homeless girls, provide education and groom the girls to be able to contribute back to their society in a positive way.
2) Catholic Home for the Aged – Established in 1923, they look after the elderly regardless of ethnic, race & religion.
3) School for the Blind – Established in the late 1990s, it provides academic and vocational training to blind students so that they can acquire the basic skills to care for themselves.
Their appreciation of our donations is indeed heartwarming and touching.
SAM will be donating food care packs to more beneficiary organisations that are in need of support in the coming months.
If you wish to make your kind donations to these beneficiary organisations, you may contact SAM’s Secretariat at sam.secretariatoffice@gmail.com.