Annual General Meeting 2023
Singapore Association of Myanmar (SAM) conducted our hybrid Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 24 August 2023 (Thursday) to update our members on what the executive committee had accomplished during its term.
We would like to thank the SAM members who joined in person and online in our hybrid AGM, together with the members who were unable to attend but have sent in their proxy votes.
We would like to thank the current Exco members: Mr Freddy Oh, Mr Lim Chong Chong, Mr Smith Tun, Mr Thu Zaw Oo, Mr Michael Howe, Mr Sridhar Pattabi Raman, Mr Melvyn Chung, Mr Brandon Lye, Ms Amalia de la Costa, Mr Minn Naing Oo, Mr Jeff Foo, Mr Than Tun Win (Mike), Mr Michael Leong, Mr Jonathan Low, Mr Alvin Law Chee Chuan and Ms Crystal Smith for your contribution to the SAM members and Myanmar Community during the past one year.
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